Capacity Building for Contractors image

In an effort to educate contractors in the state in the theory and technology of road construction, the workshop on “Capacity Building for Contractors” was organised jointly by PWD (RDS) and the Meghalaya Infrastructure Development and Finance Cooperation Ltd (MIDFC) along with Central Roads Research Institute (CRRI). The workshop was inaugurated at Shillong Club on the 13th of October, 2014 and will conclude on the 14th of October, 2014. The Chief Guest at the workshop was the Chief Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Mr. P.B.O Warjri; other dignitaries on the dais were Shri. Pankaj Jain, IAS, Commissioner and Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya and CEO MIDFC, Shri M. Sunn, Secretary PWD Roads, Shri C. W. Momin, L. Prassad, Chief Engineer PWD (Standards) and Shri K. Sitaramanjaneyulu, Team Leader , Central Roads Research Institute (CRRI). Local contractor from around the state were invited to participate.

The welcome speech was given by C.W. Momin. He stated that “this was an occasion of significance” because “training of contractors is one of the critical areas that need to be addressed.” He said that “There is a need to have at least a basic understanding behind the theory of construction of roads. This is necessary for proper and logical planning.” Above all his underlying message was to save time and materials during construction by applying sound theory and science behind execution of public works. K. Sitaramanjaneyulu was the next speaker. He was very pleased with the fact that the State Government was sensitive to the idea of purporting scientific technology and theory in the construction of roads in the state. He briefly described the nature of the workshop and how it would benefit not only the contractors but the PWD department as well. He explained what each section of the workshop would entail ranging from the type of materials to be used in different climatic conditions, layers in road construction, quality control, road maintenance to state a few of the topic to be discussed over the two day workshop.

M. Sunn stated that “the construction industry is an important and necessary contributor to the growth of any economy. In Meghalaya, roads form a core sector of development upon which all other sectors are dependent.” He also commented on the fact that “Meghalaya get a large share of centrally sponsored schemes for road construction and infrastructure development such as SPSCA, PMJSY” and many others. Therefore, local contractors are key players in this respect. They indirectly have an impact on the state economy through their work in road construction. It becomes vital that they are well aware of the science and method behind road construction. M. Sunn pinpointed few areas where local contractors needed clarity and guidance such as management of projects, quality of work and services, insurance coverage on men and machinery, lack of technical manpower and cash flow and credit.

P. Jain gave a brief on MIDFC and made it clear that “MIDFC was a facilitating agency and not an implementing agency”. The express purpose of MIDFC was to “take up matters relating to pre and post implementation of a project” such as preparing concept notes; provide capacity building, insurance, monitoring and evaluation, etc. MIDFC will function as a support agency.

The Chief Guest, P.B.O. Warjri encouraged the participants to take full advantage of quarrying information from the resource persons from CCRI. He expressed his desire to see the resource persons teach the contractors on how to “execute work, to supervise efficiently, to budget accurately so as not to compromise on the quality of work or materials.” P.B.O. Warjri also spoke on e-tendering, stating that is was an “efficient way of filling up tenders.” He opined that e-tendering was easier to access and fill while also providing a safer method for application as it would be free from sabotage and corruption.”

After the inauguration, the participants were engaged in an open forum with the resource persons.