The Meghalaya Basin Development Authority had organised the “Green Ambassadors Conclave for the Sensitization of IBDLP Initiatives”. The conclave was held at the Sri Aurobindo Hall, Shillong on the 26th of June, 2016. Shri P.B.O Warjri, IAS, Chief Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya graced the event s the Chief Guest. The programmed aimed at alliance building with the IBDLP programme and sensitization of community leaders with regards to the different activities taking place under the umbrella of the IBDLP programme such as community nurseries, seed banks and water plus amongst others. The participants at the event were cluster level federations (CLF), Water User Association, NAM groups, Watershed committees, etc.
The welcome speech was delivered by Shri. C.P Marak, IFS, Addl. PCCF. He spoke briefly on the different initiatives under the IBDLP programme.
The next speaker was Mr. R.M. Mishra, IAS, Development Commissioner. He was pleased with the opportunity to meet “our people” and have a chance to have a discourse with them. “Meghalaya has a deep connection with nature” and thus we do not need to learn from other in how to interact with nature was what he remarked. He gave the example of the Sacred Grooves and commented on the uniqueness of such a practise around the world. He also spoke succinctly on the use of sustainable use of forest resources which could develop into livelihood opportunities.
The Chief Guest at the Programme, Mr. Barkos Warjri was keen to warn people of the hazards of pesticides and their ill effects in the long term, he commented, “It is safer to eat an insect than pesticide, it may not kill you instantly but it may cause injurious health effects in the long run.” He stated the fact that the green revolution is “not about just planting trees but it also involves people living a healthy life.” He went on to say that green energy and green technology should become a very important part of our lives.
After the conclusion of the inaugural session, participants were given an in-depth look at some of the IBDLP initiatives.