Mr Boldingson Diengdoh, a resident of Mawhati village started piggery farming in 2014 but due to a lack of knowledge on disease management and post- natal care of piglets, he had to cope with many losses. He came to the EFC to seek assistance in capacity building. The Centre sent him for training on Piggery Management to RRTC, Umran and found the training to be beneficial as he learned about the importance of cleanliness, regularity in vaccination, de-worming and how to manage new-borns in the initial weeks. After the training, he handles most things related to pig rearing and has become less dependent on the veterinary staff. As of now, he has 2 breeding sows, one boar and two fattening pigs. Recently, two of his sows gave birth to 23 piglets. They are two weeks old but because of his training, the mortality rate was zero. Presently, the market is good and his plan is to construct a better shed that can accommodate up to 50 pigs at a time